Monday 10 May 2010

My packs in the staffroom

Having left my packs in the staffroom at uni for a few days, I had recieved three or four responses back from this experiment.

So all in all, it wasn't a great success. But thank you to those who did participate! :-)  So now I need to use this outcome and learn from it to inform the next stage of my journey.

Thinking about why this experiment wasn't a great success as it could have been could come down to the fact that the staffroom isn't used very much. It is only used by certain members of staff to check the post. So the location in itself was not maybe as prominent as I first thought it could be.

I wonder what would happen if I encouraged students to get involved and participate? Would this evoke a different response? Maybe I could look into the possibility of using a prominent location at uni e.g. outside the sanctuary or in The Hub and encourage participation in this way? Maybe if I had a table/stand? Something to definately think about...

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