Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Facebook group update

Over the past few days, my Facebook group has recieved a phenomenal response!

In addition to asking participants for their responses on what the word identity means to them, I have also asked participants if we can represent our identities using images/photographs, and if they had any photographs/images that they would like to contribute this.

In addition to recieving several photographs via the group, participants have also emailed them to me, and provided commentries as to why they have contributed these photographs, and how they actually represent their identites. 

All of the photographic responses that I have recieved are extremely informative, in addition to being liberating, and thought provoking. They have allowed me to come to an understanding and appreciate the diverse perceptions that we hold of our identities, and the way that they have manifested themselves within our everyday lifes, and why we hold these values and principles.  

What has also been great is that members of the group have themselves identified that because the concept of identity is so vast and extensive, it would be difficult to represent our whole identities with one image alone. I agree with these findings and I'm pleased that I didn't have to initiate this thought, even though it did cross my mind when I originally encourgaed participants to contribute any photographs/images. This shows that the process of facilitation has contributed to its identification, and analysis.

Therefore, my participants have suggested that these images would in fact be mutli-layered to represent these different aspects of their identities. The concept of multiple layers is something that I have been inspired by. I would like to incorporate this concept into my final exhibition somehow. 

Here are two of the images and commentries that I have recieved from participants that I would like to share with you as a 'taster':

Contributed by Cazz Prior:

"My identity is 'Cazz' from Newman. I have lived in halls for the last 4 years, and i'm known as 'Cazz' throughout secondary school, college, and my time at uni.

Untill I got facebook (at the end of my 2nd year at uni) no one knew my real name. My true identity?

My identity will soon change again when I start working... i'll be called Carolyn or Miss Prior, I'll be a teacher, and not living in Newman halls anymore."  

Contributed by Mandy Thomas:

"Me at my happiest and how my very closest people know me."

I've been thinking, and I have considered how I could combine the participants images in addition to their commentries into one response, which considers the multi-layered approach. I have thought about printing the participants images, and then printing their commentries onto acetate, and attaching these together. This would certainly create layers to the participants responses.

The use of the acetate would allow the viewer to see through to their picture, whilst also providing further information to support the participants identification of their identity. This is something to ponder and continue to consider...  

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